Health & Safety Policy
This policy has been documented to clearly show high level commitment to providing and maintaining safe and healthy work conditions, equipment, and safe systems of work.
We shall use the guidance set out in ISO45001: 2018 to help us to operate an OH&S Management System.
There shall be a zero-tolerance attitude towards unsafe acts with breaches of the Special Branch Tree Services NE Ltd policy, procedure and guidance being treated as a disciplinary offence.
Environmental Policy
Special Branch Tree Services NE Ltd shall be committed to reducing the impact of their undertakings upon the environment and shall appoint and retain a competent advisor to assist them in meeting their obligations.
We shall use the guidance set out in ISO14001: 2015 ‘Environmental Management Systems’ to help structure our activities and to help us to continually improve our environmental performance and reduce our environmental impact.
Modern Slavery Policy
This statement sets out the steps that Special Branch Tree Services NE Ltd shall take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.
Modern slavery is a crime that occurs in many forms and encompasses any act of slavery, servitude, bonded forced or compulsory labour human trafficking and child labour.
Customer Privacy Policy
At Special Branch Tree Services (NE) Ltd, we understand that we have a responsibility to protect and respect your privacy and to look after your personal data.
This Privacy Notice and our Business Terms and Conditions explain what personal data we collect, how we use your personal data, reasons we may need to disclose your personal data to others and how we store your personal data securely.
UK CA Marking Policy
The Construction Products Regulation 2011 (CPR) is a European Union (EU) regulation harmonising performance information on construction products across the EU. It is made most visible by the mandatory CE marking of regulated products.
The Health and Safety at Work Act as amended imposes duties upon the company and those providing goods and services to the company.